Saturday, August 2, 2008

A series of struggles...

Let's live again. Yeah! Seems that life is never going to quit. Efforts are never gonna get ceased! A moment next brings a huge smile on my face! Leaving past the Past, there's a new future to step into! The lamp dims and oil rains! A step forward to life. Leaving School has been a double faced realm for me! A tear gone and a wet eye. A wound and Heal at the same time! As I step into the college life, I now realise why people relent leaving school! Wet eyes again! A feeling none can explain to none! A fear, anxiety. You may get the best of life and success ahead, but what you've had in school life is to be cherished forever! A song by Keats comes to my mind- "a living smile on my face, hollow in heart, something lies behind - I'll never get over past!"

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